What is “Gotcha Day”?
You may or may or may not have heard the term “gotcha day”. If you have, there’s usually only one meaning, and it’s all about adoption.
When someone adopts a child, there is a legal process to go through, but not before the adoptive parents have custody of the child. In our case, we were able to bring our kids home from the hospital, right after they were born.
I won’t bore you with the details, but eventually, if they aren’t already, the birth parents sign away their rights to the child and then there is a court date set to finalize the adoption.
This is the day the adoptive parents celebrate. It marks the day that the stress of not knowing if things will work out goes away. The child is legally a part of the family.
That’s what a “Gotcha Day” is and it’s one that every adoptive parent remembers and celebrates!