Personal Web Real Estate of Mike Cotton

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Product Poll


I’ve started building a new product for network marketers, direct sales associates, MLM members, etc. While I’m building it out, I wanted to take a poll to see what would be the most valuable features for a replicated team website.

I would love to get your feedback. Please vote for your top 3 below.

Also, if there are some features that are missing, leave a comment and let me know what they are.

Once you’re finished, go ahead and share this page with other friends that you know so I can get as many ideas as possible! Thank you!!

What 3 features would be most valuable if you had your own, replicated website for your direct sales/network marketing/mlm team?

View Results

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Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter