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Go to the Fair! It’s Worth It!


Note: I started writing a Facebook post, which got pretty long, so I just turned it into a blog post instead. It’s great to have a blog!

For those of you that have multiple kids (especially if they’re pretty close together in age)… GO TO THE FAIR!

Yes, it’s expensive. Yes, it’s a lot of work to get there. Yes, it’s expensive (did I already say that?), but there is a huge benefit that outweighs the cost and work that goes into the trip.

For the first time, in a loooong time, yesterday, I saw my kids play as a team together. They rode rides together. They paired up. Sometimes, one of them might have been a little timid, but seeing their little/big brother/sister do it helped them overcome their fear. There were moments that Ami and I watched as all four of our kids went on a ride and we just got to stand there, watch and take pictures. No little ones to chase around. No child was left out. All smiles!

We saw our youngest boy go through what we thought would be some horrifying experiences for him, due to his sensory issues. He wound up loving every minute of it! In his words, it was “totally L” (no, I don’t know what it means).

We saw our 3-year old prove just how fearless she is by throwing her hands up in the air during one of the faster roller-coasters for her age and size.

We saw our sons and oldest daughter bond with each other by going on rides together and even hold hands when they were a little nervous. (I would be nervous, too, when you’re about to get dropped from about 100 feet in the air.)

Did it cost a lot? Yes, but the experience was priceless!


Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter