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The Hardest Part About Having a Home Business

Home Business

I’ve decided to revive this old blog, since it’s been 3 years since I posted anything. As with any blog post, the toughest part is knowing what to talk about. So I thought and thought, as I’m sitting here in the front seat of my car, waiting in car line, for my 1st grader to get out of school so I can run him over to the bus stop to pick up my 4th grader from the bus stop. This after I had just picked up my 3 year old from day care. What on earth could I have to talk about?

Let’s Talk About the Hardest Part About Having a Home Business

Many people have the dream of working at home:

“I want to be there for my kids, spend more time with my family, have flexible hours and work in the comfort of my bedroom in my jammies.”

These are just some of the things people hope for when they set their goal to work from home. The problem is that a lot of times, you get what you ask for.

For me, there are unexpected illnesses that require ——-

Sorry, had to run to the bus stop. Where was I….

For me, there are unexpected illnesses that require me to go pick up a kid from school and bring them home to care for. There are also times I have to drop off and pick up kids, medicine, groceries, etc. while Ami sleeps, because she works nights. There is also doing laundry, dishes and other cleaning to do in order to keep up with the messes that occur when you have a family of 6. Oh, and doctor’s visits. With 4 kids, chances are, you’re going to have 1 or 2 of them per week. I’m not even mentioning baseball, theatre, choir, church, rehearsals and everything else.

Do you see where I’m going with this?


Time management is the hardest part about having a home business. Every minute I stay away from work (as a web developer) is another dollar or two down the drain. With my schedule, I have about 4 hours during the day from Monday through Thursday that are pretty consistent. Everything else depends on if my wife is available or I get a little time to myself. I find myself working back stage at church, in the car or even at baseball practice (if I don’t have to chase my other kids around). Otherwise, I do what I can to stay up as late as I can to get things done. Some times I’m working until 2 AM to meet deadlines.

I’m finally in a position where I can do something about it and I’m going to tell you how right now.

For several years, I’ve done work for people that make money online. They have me set up systems that will allow them to advertise videos or other websites on autopilot. That’s the beauty of the Internet. it never sleeps and it’s always open for business.

So, aside from my web development business, I’ve decided to make my own system that never sleeps and I want to invite you to join me.

If you’re in the least bit curious about it, click here. It might just be the solution you were looking for in order to work from home, yourself.

Gotta go. The bus just got here….


Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter