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The Best Graphics Tool for a Non-Graphic Designer Like Me


I’ve been designing web sites and developing web apps for over 10 years. I started this career as a programmer, but quickly realized that I needed to add graphic design to the list of tools in my belt. Having a great web application that does amazing things is great, but unless it has a great interface to go along with it, potential users will just see it as cheap. Here’s is my (currently) favorite tool for creating great graphics for social media, website design and almost anything imaginable. The best part is that it’s FREE!The name of the tool is Canva and you can find it at:

You can create graphics for posters, Facebook headers, Twitter cover photos, blog posts, postcards, book covers, album covers and almost anything that you would need a high quality graphic for.

It’s so easy to use that I don’t even need to create a tutorial on it (I thought about it). Just get started.

Whether you need it for commercial purposes or just for fun, Canva is the tool for you. In fact, I’m going to go create a graphic specifically for this blog post right now…

Here it is…


Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter