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Here’s the Thing About Refugees


There have been several heated debates regarding President Trump’s decision to suspend the allowance of refugees from certain countries into the United States. I, for one, agree with what he did. We needed to halt things so we can look at the problems we have in our immigration system and fix them. Then, eventually, things will continue as always.

Most of what I hear have been arguments that we need to care for the refugees. They’re people, too and they deserve a safe place to live. I also agree with that statement.

So let me tell you about something that happened to me today…

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday. The Patriots against the Falcons played in my hometown, Houston, Texas. It was an exciting weekend and we spend the late afternoon and evening at a friend’s house, enjoying the game, eating food and having fun.

I noticed, however, that my wife had really been on the phone a lot. It seemed that whatever was going on was pretty important and serious. In fact, in the middle of the game, she told me she needed to leave and asked if I’d take care of the kids while she helped out a friend of hers.

I don’t know all of the details and I don’t need to know, but I do know that her friend was in a relationship with a bad man and needed to get away. She had been in this relationship for too long and it was time to escape. Ami, my wife, took her somewhere safe she could be overnight. We decided to help her move out of her apartment the next morning.

In the morning, after the kids were sent to school, I packed a few tools and made sure I was dressed to work. We, along with a few other friends of ours, moved her out of her apartment, put some of her stuff in storage, and made sure things were taken care of for her. She was going to move in with some family members that lived pretty far away. In fact, it was more than a day’s trip to get there, so we called a family member of mine to see if she could stay there since they were on the way. And yes, I’m purposely leaving out a lot of information to protect her. Needless to say, we had taken away all of her worries and took extra precautions to make sure she would be safe.

We gave her some cash so she had a little money for the road. I told her to get a good night’s rest and she had nothing to worry about it. I told her she had our support, our prayers, and that everything was going to be fine. The only thing she owed us was to stay safe. I could tell she was much more relaxed.

What does this have to do with refugees??

Everything. She, in a sense, was a refugee. Fleeing a bad situation. Guess what, though…. She lived right here in Conroe. A US citizen. An American.

Am I a bad person to agree with the decision to suspend the allowance of refugees into our country?

No. I just choose to focus on taking care of the ones that live here, first.

So, think twice before you try and guilt me into thinking that I’m a bad person for supporting Trump’s decision.


Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter