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Amazon Disruption and Russian Hacking: the Evidence Revealed


In case you haven’t heard, Amazon’s Web hosting services went down for a bit today, causing disruptions all over the Internet. The popular site creation service, Wix, went offline, and even the website was down (the irony, I know). To get into the physical aspects of it, Nest, the maker of the Internet-enabled thermostats, was also unable to connect to their devices.

It leads us to the question:

Who Did This? Was it Russia Again?

Let’s examine the evidence:

There is none. It’s safe to say that the Russians did NOT hack Amazon.

This is fake news.

Share this with your friends, but don’t let on. You have to lead them to believe that this is serious stuff and they should read it right away!

Have fun, guys! Don’t take life so seriously! LOL!


Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter