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Are You Offended?


No Offense

It seems like everyday, I hear about some person or group protesting on something that offended them. Let’s talk about that a little, shall we. First of all, why do people get offended?

Usually, people get their feelings hurt based on what someone said or did. For instance, if someone were to say you were fat or ugly, you’d probably be offended. That’s valid. But when someone says, “Programmers are fat, lazy and ugly,” should someone take offense to that? In a generalized statement like that, how do you take it? I’m a programmer, does that mean this person is talking directly about me?

From what I can tell, anyone that gets offended based on a generalized opinion such as this is just looking to be offended. When a statement like this is made, that is obviously not true, the only people that take offense are those people that want to be a victim. These people thrive for attention and make it a point to speak out about being offended. Many of these people have huge egos. They believe the world should revolve around them.

From what I can tell, though, these people aren’t the problem. The problem is that most of us give in to these people. We walk on eggshells, hoping that we don’t offend them or anyone else for that matter.

A big subject matter of offense is race. My alma mater’s mascot used to be the Redskins, but someone protested and now their the Crimson Storm. I guess weather can’t get offended. And what’s with the term “African American” instead of using the term “black”? Do I get offended when someone calls me white? Of course not. I’m about as white as they get! LOL! From what I understand when you call someone a Chinese American, this means that they are from China, but are now American citizens. This is the same with every country/continent. Austrailia American, Mexican American, etc. So what does “African American” mean? Really?

Other subject matters that come to mind are people with disabilities or medical conditions, the poor/homeless, and vegans.

I bet a lot of you started feeling a little uneasy when I started talking about certain subjects, right? Why? I didn’t say anything that was intended to insult anyone. I guarantee you that there are people in the world that would be offended by this blog post. Here’s a little advice if that is you:

  • Chill, and then…
  • Read this blog post again and keep an open mind to what I am actually saying

If you’re still offended, then that’s on you. 🙂


Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter