Personal Web Real Estate of Mike Cotton

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Hello world!


meYes, a blog. I’ve set up a blog. There will be no central theme other than it’s coming from me. I’m a musician, a programmer, a father, a husband and much more, so chances are that the subjects of my posts will revolve around these things.

There will be opinions, facts, stories, etc. posted that you may or may not like, agree with or even care about and that’s okay.

Just an FYI (because I would want to know), the site you’re looking at is a WordPress blog and the design theme was NOT created by me. I hung up my “design hat” a couple of years ago. You can find the designer’s info in the footer of this blog.

I do not have a schedule for posting things, so I expect that posts will be sporadic and unexpected. I’m the type of guy that lives day by day, moment by moment. I’m not a planner. My posts will be off the cuff. I’m also not an English major, therefore expect grammatical errors. I will do my best to double-check my posts just in case, anyway.

And for those of you WordPress junkies, yes, I used the original title of the first Sample Post. 🙂


Owner of Cotton Web Services and this particular blog. Also one of team members at Holy Fire Games and Modern Tribe. @codingmusician on Twitter